361. BL,Archives and archivists : key collaborators in the digital lbirary / William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler -- Committing to memory : a project to publish and preserve California local history digital resources / Adrian L. Turner -- Technologically enhanced archival collections : using the buddy system / Dayna Holz -- California cultures : implementing a model for virtual collections / Genie Guerard, Robin L. Chandler -- The importance of user-centered design : exploring findings and methods / Rosalie Lack -- How and why of user studies : RLG's RedLightGreen as a case study / Merrilee Proffitt -- From horse-drawn wagon to hot rod : the University of California's digital image service experience / Maureen A. Burns -- Archiving web sites for preservation and access : MODS, METS and MINERVA / Rebecca Guenther, Leslie Myrick -- Video preservation and digital reformatting : pain and possibility / Jerome McDonough, Mona Jimenez -- Digital archiving and preservation : technologies and processes for a trusted repository / Ronald Jantz, Michael Giarlo -- The complexities of digital resources : collection boundaries and management responsibilities / Joan
Author: Philip Mattar, editor in chief. ,William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

362. BL,BL
Author: David E. Sanger. ,Bruce Feiler.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

363. BL,BL
Author: / Marshall G.S. Hodgson. ,20090530 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

364. BL,297p. cm. 0
Author: Carl F. Goodman. ,Rex Li.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

366. Between Islam and Byzantium :
Author: 20090526
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

367. Between capital and land :
Author: edited by Jeffrey Haynes.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

368. Breaches of contracts and claims by third parties / Stephen Waddams -- Policy issues in defective property cases / Stephen Todd -- Defective structures and economic loss in the United States : law and policy / David F. Partlett -- Harm screening under negligence law / Israel Gilead -- Acts ,Notre Dame, Ind. :
Author: edited by Jason W. Neyers, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen G. A. Pitel. ,Alexandra Cuffel.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

369. Cognition in the early elementary classroom / Mary C. McKenna, Erin K. Jurgensen, and S. Kenneth Thurman -- Working memory and classroom learning / Susan E. Gathercole and Tracy Packiam Alloway -- Executive function, school readiness and school achievement / Ulrich Muller, Dana Lieberman, Douglas Frye and Philip David Zelazo -- Theory of mind, understanding teaching and early childhood education / Douglas Frye and Zhenlin Wang -- Translating cognitive science to the classroom : the role of phonological sensitivity and vocabulary in the development,Pragmatism in international relat
Author: edited by S. Kenneth Thurman and Catherine A. Fiorello. ,David Patrick Houghton.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

370. Cold war history
Author: edited by Frédéric Bozo ... [ et al.].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

371. Companion to environmental studies /
Author: edited by Noel Castree, Mike Hulme and James D. Proctor.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Environmental sciences-- Study and teaching.,Human ecology-- Study and teaching.,Environmental sciences-- Study and teaching.,Human ecology-- Study and teaching.,Umweltforschung
Classification :

372. Conflict transformation and peacebuilding :
Author: edited by Bruce W. Dayt
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

373. Critical approaches to international security /
Author: K. M.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

374. DS156.A65
Author: Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

375. <Die> Arier in den Nahostlichen Quellen des 3.und2.Jahrtausends v.Chr
Author: \ Jahanshah D
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

376. Encyclopedia of bioethics /
Author: Warren Thomas Reich, editor in chief.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Bioethics, Encyclopedias.,Medical ethics, Encyclopedias.,Bioethics.,Ethics, Medical.
Classification :

377. Expanding museum studies : an introduction / Sharon Macdonald -- Cultural theory and museum studies / Rhiannon Mason -- Sociology and the social aspects of museums / Gordon Fyfe -- Art history and museology : rendering the visible legible / Donald Preziosi -- Museums and anthropologies : practices and narratives / Anthony Alan Shelton -- Collecting practices / Sharon Macdonald -- The conundrum of ephemerality : time, memory, and museums / Susan A. Crane -- The origins of the public museum / Jeffrey Abt -- World fairs and museums / Robert W. Rydell
Author: edited by Sharon Macdonald.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

379. Forced migration, human rights and security /
Author: edited by Jane McAd
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

380. Gale encyclopedia of world history :
Author: editori
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)